Parallel CFD Participants,
you for contributing to the success of the conference. The proceedings will
be prepared electronically. To submit your paper, follow the instructions
given on this page.
General information
- All communication with authors
will be by email.
- All papers submitted will be
refereed. Presentation at the conference does not guarantee publication in
the proceedings.
- Editors: P. Wilder, A. Ecer,
J. Periaux, and N. Satofuka- Assistant Editor: P. Fox
- Publisher: Elsevier Science
B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Preparing your paper
- Page limit:
- Contributed
presentations 8 pages.
- Invited presentations
10 pages.
- Follow the directions for
using LaTeX provided to you at the conference or found at the following
web site: (go to page 3 – instructions to authors)
Submission of your paper
- Send your original paper
together with the completed offprint order form and the completed transfer
of copyright agreement form to:
Parallel CFD 2001
Delft University Department of Information
Technology and Systems
P.O. Box 5031
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone +(31) 15 278 7291 / Fax +(31) 15
278 72 95
Deadline to submit your paper
- All papers must be submitted
by September 1, 2001.
Other queries
- All queries related to the
scientific content, submission date and or page limit should be referred
to Dr. Peter Wilders. Any
technical questions regarding the preparation of your paper may be
directed to Erik Oosterwijk, Production Editor, Elsevier, Tel +31 20 485
2669, Fax +31 20 485 2332, email